Nordic separate BLE stack and application.
nRF51x IC also has compatible issue for software version.
Check here about IC and Soft compatible matrix.
2016年6月24日 星期五
2016年6月23日 星期四
2016年6月21日 星期二
Bluetooth certification - on board or module - note- Chinese
- 公司已取得認證之Bluetooth Module組裝產品(Keyboard)是否須再次申請NCC認證?
不需要,B公司向A公司取得該認證之Bluetooth Module的使用授權即可
Bluetooth certification list:
If the profiles and design are the same, don't need to certificate again.
One ID could list a lot of products. But if would like to assign new model with new ID, it needs to apply new ID.
Module if has RF regulation test certification, the product without changing RF antenna and module design, be able to use the certification.
2016年6月20日 星期一
Bluetooth 5.0 is coming
- SIG is going to release 5.0 in June, 2016.
- Expect to see new device next year.
- Improve 4 times the connection range compare to 4.0.
- Improve the data speed to double than 4.0.
- Design for IOT application.
- That demand stems in large part from devices connected to the Internet of Things, especially low-power beacons.
- Bluetooth 5 will make beacons, location awareness, and other connection-less services effortless and seamless.
- Instead of automatically requesting to pair with a device, Bluetooth 5.0 will be smart enough to analyze the type of connection required to transmit the information.
Bluetooth 4.0, Bluetooth 4.1 and Bluetooth 4.2; What's the difference?
Bluetooth 4.0 has new hardware design and software design for low energy use.
The SIG creates two kinds of device at 4.0 including Bluetooth Smart Ready and Smart.
Smart Ready is used at most platform such as smart phone or laptop, could support traditional Bluetooth and Bluetooth 4.0 both.
Bluetooth Smart is only Bluetooth 4.0 device and could not connect with traditional Bluetooth device.
Bluetooth 4.0, its name Bluetooth low energy, means remove some hardware and software capability and redesign the system for low energy device compared to traditional Bluetooth.
Bluetooth 4.1 vs Bluetooth 4.0?
The job of Bluetooth 4.1 is to drive the ‘Internet of Things’ (Io, namely the thousands of smart, web connected devices – from fridges to toothbrushes – that are expected to enter our lives over the next decade.
1. Coexistence
Bluetooth 4.1 eliminates this by coordinating its radio with 4G automatically so there is no overlap and both can perform at their maximum potential. It's about phone Bluetooth spec.
2. Smart connectivity
Rather than carry a fixed timeout period, Bluetooth 4.1 will allow manufacturers to specify the reconnection timeout intervals for their devices. This means devices can better manage their power and that of the device they are paired to by automatically powering up and down based on a bespoke power plan.
3. Improved Data Transfer
Bluetooth 4.1 devices can act as both hub and end point simultaneously. This is hugely significant because it allows the host device to be cut out of the equation and for peripherals to communicate independently.
Bluetooth 4.2, what's new?
Why use BLE 4.2 instead of BLE 4.1? The Bluetooth SIG recommends implementing Bluetooth 4.2 in all new designs and requires the same qualification process as all other Bluetooth designs. Devices using Bluetooth Smart will be backward compatible with Bluetooth 4.0 or 4.1 devices that also implement the low energy features. Devices implementing the (BR/EDR) Core Configuration will be backward compatible to all adopted Bluetooth Core versions beginning with 1.1 that also implement Bluetooth BR/EDR.
It means the upgrade may not just F/W upgrade, hardware may also need to change.
The iPhone 5 is using Bluetooth 4.0 [1].
Using a device that has a newer version would not work unless it is backwards compatible; for instance, if a device you are trying to connect was using Bluetooth 4.2 and needed Data Length Extension (it may, not entirely sure) then it would not work with the iPhone because that is hardware not software limited [2].
IoT Capabilities:
Low-power IP (IPv6/6LoWPAN)
Bluetooth Smart Internet Gateways (GATT)
With BLE 4.2 Bluetooth Smart sensors can transmit data over the internet.
LE Privacy 1.2
LE Secure Connections
With new, more power efficient and highly secure features, BLE 4.2 provides additional benefits allowing only trusted owners to track device location and confidently pair devices.
250% Faster
10x More Capacity
Compared to previous versions, BLE 4.2 enables 250% faster and more reliable over-the-air data transmission and 10x more packet capacity.
Apple support BLE 4.2 news.
iPhone 6 series most support Bluetooth 4.2
1. (from
2. SIG Bluetooth Q&A
The SIG creates two kinds of device at 4.0 including Bluetooth Smart Ready and Smart.
Smart Ready is used at most platform such as smart phone or laptop, could support traditional Bluetooth and Bluetooth 4.0 both.
Bluetooth Smart is only Bluetooth 4.0 device and could not connect with traditional Bluetooth device.
Bluetooth 4.0, its name Bluetooth low energy, means remove some hardware and software capability and redesign the system for low energy device compared to traditional Bluetooth.
Bluetooth 4.1 vs Bluetooth 4.0?
The job of Bluetooth 4.1 is to drive the ‘Internet of Things’ (Io, namely the thousands of smart, web connected devices – from fridges to toothbrushes – that are expected to enter our lives over the next decade.
1. Coexistence
Bluetooth 4.1 eliminates this by coordinating its radio with 4G automatically so there is no overlap and both can perform at their maximum potential. It's about phone Bluetooth spec.
2. Smart connectivity
Rather than carry a fixed timeout period, Bluetooth 4.1 will allow manufacturers to specify the reconnection timeout intervals for their devices. This means devices can better manage their power and that of the device they are paired to by automatically powering up and down based on a bespoke power plan.
3. Improved Data Transfer
Bluetooth 4.1 devices can act as both hub and end point simultaneously. This is hugely significant because it allows the host device to be cut out of the equation and for peripherals to communicate independently.
Bluetooth 4.2, what's new?
Why use BLE 4.2 instead of BLE 4.1? The Bluetooth SIG recommends implementing Bluetooth 4.2 in all new designs and requires the same qualification process as all other Bluetooth designs. Devices using Bluetooth Smart will be backward compatible with Bluetooth 4.0 or 4.1 devices that also implement the low energy features. Devices implementing the (BR/EDR) Core Configuration will be backward compatible to all adopted Bluetooth Core versions beginning with 1.1 that also implement Bluetooth BR/EDR.
It means the upgrade may not just F/W upgrade, hardware may also need to change.
Chris Carini, Touched over 4000 iPhones in under a year.
Using a device that has a newer version would not work unless it is backwards compatible; for instance, if a device you are trying to connect was using Bluetooth 4.2 and needed Data Length Extension (it may, not entirely sure) then it would not work with the iPhone because that is hardware not software limited [2].
IoT Capabilities:
Low-power IP (IPv6/6LoWPAN)
Bluetooth Smart Internet Gateways (GATT)
With BLE 4.2 Bluetooth Smart sensors can transmit data over the internet.
LE Privacy 1.2
LE Secure Connections
With new, more power efficient and highly secure features, BLE 4.2 provides additional benefits allowing only trusted owners to track device location and confidently pair devices.
250% Faster
10x More Capacity
Compared to previous versions, BLE 4.2 enables 250% faster and more reliable over-the-air data transmission and 10x more packet capacity.
Apple support BLE 4.2 news.
iPhone 6 series most support Bluetooth 4.2
1. (from
2. SIG Bluetooth Q&A
2016年6月14日 星期二
Nordic NUS service
Compare to standard UUID 128 bit
The Bluetooth_Base_UUID is: 00000000-0000-1000-8000 00805F9B34FB
TI base UUID of F000XXXX-0451-4000-B000-000000000000 where XXXX is the initial 16-bit UUID.
#define BLE_NUS_MAX_DATA_LEN (GATT_MTU_SIZE_DEFAULT - 3) ==> 23-3=20
UART configuration:
uint8_t rx_data[20];
2. Old doc
3. App: nRF UART app
5. Demo App from Youtube:
6. ANCS NUS code
#define | NUS_BASE_UUID {{0x9E, 0xCA, 0xDC, 0x24, 0x0E, 0xE5, 0xA9, 0xE0, 0x93, 0xF3, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x6E}} | ||||||||||
#define | BLE_UUID_NUS_SERVICE 0x0001 | ||||||||||
#define | BLE_UUID_NUS_TX_CHARACTERISTIC 0x0002 | ||||||||||
UUIDs used are:
- 6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E for the Service
- 6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E for the TX Characteristic Property = Write without response
- 6E400003-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E for the RX Characteristic Property = Notify
Information from Android App description, the notify setting is different from the nordic official doc.
The Bluetooth low energy shield is available from Seeed Studio and Maker Shed
UUIDs used are:
- 6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E for the Service
- 6E400003-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E for the TX Characteristic
Property = Notify (TX is from pheriperal site sent data to App)
- 6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E for the RX Characteristic
Property = Write without response (RX is got data from App site)
UUIDs used are:
- 6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E for the Service
- 6E400003-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E for the TX Characteristic
Property = Notify (TX is from pheriperal site sent data to App)
- 6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E for the RX Characteristic
Property = Write without response (RX is got data from App site)
UART configuration:
The application uses the following UART settings:
- Baud rate: 38.400
- 8 data bits
- 1 stop bit
- No parity
- HW flow control: RTS/CTS
uint8_t rx_data[20];
#define SEC_PARAM_BOND 0 /**< Perform bonding. */ #define SEC_PARAM_IO_CAPABILITIES BLE_GAP_IO_CAPS_NONE /**< No I/O capabilities. */ |
2. Old doc
3. App: nRF UART app
5. Demo App from Youtube:
6. ANCS NUS code
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