2012年9月18日 星期二

[Android] Simple way to set up development environment

It is recommended to use Eclipse.

First take time to read Android Official training materials here. http://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/index.html

1. Because Android is Java based, Java SDK is needed to install.
    Better to choice the second latest version if possible. The newest version may have some bugs issue.

2. Download and install Eclipse. (The version is better newer because old version that Android SDK may not support)

3. Run Eclipse and install ADT (Android Development Tool)
    Help --> Install new software -->
   Paste the address http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/site.xml then you can install the ADT.

4. Check Android version of your Android phone then update SDK if necessary by Android SDK Manager.

5. Set up Android Path. Eclipse --> Windows --> Preference --> Android
    For my case, I install SDK here.  C:\Android\android-sdk

6. Follow the tutorial to build your first App "Hello world".

