2015年11月23日 星期一

CC2640 vs CC2541

1. compare CC2640 and CC254x.

2. Compare CC26xx and Nordic nrf52832

3. The difference between CC2640 and CC2650:

Q: What is the difference between CC2640 and CC2650?

The multi-standard CC2650 wireless MCU supports BLE as well as other wireless protocols, such as 802.15.4. The CC2640 supports Bluetooth Low Energy only. All code generated from the BLE-Stack 2.0 SDK is binary compatible with both the CC2650 & CC2640. Additionally, IDE project configuration settings in the BLE-Stack v2.0 SDK for CC2650 & CC2640 are cross-compatible; however, it is strongly recommended to not change the CPU settings in the IDE. Although the CC2650 has the HW & ROM capability to support additional wireless protocols, a given SW build can only support one wireless protocol. from TI BLE wiki.
4. TI engineer answer:
1) Basically because the radio is totally redesigned. 
2) This is just because the modern ARM processors are more efficient than the old 8051. Additionally we are using new production process, new technology, etc. Adding a built-in DCDC regulator also increases efficiency. Keep in mind though, that none of the numbers in the datasheet are for running both cores simultaneously. 
3) You are correct on CC2640CC2541 will not be able to fulfill all of 4.1 due to RAM limitations.
4) How many BLE devices may handle the cc2640? There was a limit of.... 3 (AFAIR) in cc2541
Our current number is 8
5) Everything is faster in the CC2640 compared to the CC2541. Really.
6) The CC2541 will still be supported by us. We also plan to update the BLE stack for CC254x to 1.4.1 this year. It you prefer a device that have been in the market for several years and is mature, and you can live with the current consumption and the 8051 core, the CC2541 is still a good part to use.
7) You can get the CC26xx SensorTag for $29 with a low cost debugger for just additional $15. Get a kit and check it out! 

